Organic Inputs and Seeds

Organic Inputs and Seeds

Organic Inputs List

Download Thompsons approved organic inputs list which includes product, analysis, uses, sizes, and comments.

Organic Seed Lists

Thompsons organic seed list includes soybeans, corn, cereals, pulses, legumes, forage, grasses, sunflower, oilseeds and cover crops.

Take me to the organic seed section.

OMRI-Listed Trio (“Organic Trio”)


Mined Sulfate/Sulphate of Potash Magnesia (aka Langbeinite), New Mexico



Product Notes:

Granular format

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  • A good source of readily-available potassium, magnesium, and sulfur
  • Recommended source of magnesium when calcium/pH is too high to allow for use of dolomitic lime and/or when magnesium levels are below crop requirements (Mg from dolomite releases gradually over 3 years)
  • Not recommended as a potassium source when magnesium levels are already sufficient (use SOP instead)
  • Soil testing is the best way to determine potassium and magnesium requirements
  • Long-term goal should be to maintain potassium at 2 to 5% base saturation, and magnesium between 11 and 20% base saturation, depending on soil CEC
  • Magnesium should be a minimum of 100ppm (200lbs/ac)
  • 300lbs/ac is considered a “maintenance level” when soil tests indicate a Mg deficiency
  • 500lbs/ac will gradually build Mg/K levels in the soil
  • Maximum recommended rate is 2200lbs/ac per year – not usually economical
  • Readily-available nature of this product makes it feasible to apply for current crop requirements
  • Other common names/brands are Sul-Po-Mag and K-Mag
  • Magnesium sulphate can be used to supply magnesium in cases where potassium levels are high/excessive

Liquid Fish Fertilizer


Advanced Marine Technologies (Organic Gem™)


  • 2.9–3.5–0.3
  • Over 40 trace minerals and 17 amino acids

Product Notes:

  • 8.6lbs/US gallon (1.02kg/L) density
  • Mix well before use
  • Shelf stable for 5 years in its concentrated form, but starts to ferment quickly when diluted
  • Enzymatically-digested, cold-processed whole fish hydrolysate from wild-caught ocean fish
  • High oil content and un-denatured fish proteins create food for both soil bacteria and fungi
  • Triple-filtered to avoid clogging issues – safe for drip irrigation systems

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  • Supplies nutrients but more importantly feeds and stimulates soil microbial activity
  • Very good option for liquid starter and foliar applications
  • Can also be applied through irrigation systems (including drip)
  • Reported to increase stress and pest/disease resistance, reduce nutrient leaching, improve soil structure, increase grass seed germination via breakdown of the seed hull
  • Foliar: apply 3-6 gallons per acre per application (up to 3 applications per season); spray after sunset or in the coolest part of the day
  • Soil: side-dress 2-5 gal/ac at seeding
  • Dilute from 1:15 to 1:50 with water (less for soil application, more for foliar)
  • Transplants: use a solution of 4 oz. liquid fish to 1 gallon of water as root dip or for watering
  • Corn: side-dress at seeding, foliar application 30 days post-emerge and again before crop is too tall to access (higher applications rates recommended)
  • Wheat: apply with seed, foliar at tillering and flag leaf
  • Soybeans: banded with seed; foliar pre-bloom
  • More crop-specific recommendations are available on request
  • Research indicates that the bio-stimulant properties result in crop response similar to nitrogen application rates 3 to 5 times higher
  • Experience in Ontario and Western Canada has shown a strong synergistic effect with EcoTea™ HDI products – the two can be mixed and applied together (see trial results)
  • Approved for organic use by Eco-Cert

EcoTea 2018 trial results

OMRI-Listed Sulphate of Potash (“Organic SOP”)


Mined Sulfate/Sulphate of Potash



Product Notes:

Granular format

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  • A good source of readily-available potassium, sulfur
  • Soil testing is the best way to determine potassium requirements
  • Long-term goal should be a 2% to 5% base saturation of K; woody perennials/vines will benefit from higher levels, even up to 7.5%.
  • The readily-available nature of SOP makes it feasible to apply for current crop requirements
  • Much lower salt index than muriate of potash (MOP), so considered better for soil life/biological activity
  • MOP a more economical choice where soil test levels/crop requirements indicate high application rates
  • Consider MOP for fall applications and SOP for spring/in-season applications to mitigate potential negative impacts of MOP on soil health

Good n’ Green


Tek Mac Enterprises, Wellesley, ON

Analyses: various blends

  • 7-4-1
  • 7-4-4-1S
  • 6-4-8-2S
  • 3-10-3-10Ca-1S-0.3Mg
  • 5-6-1-4Ca-0.3Mg
  • 1-29-0

Product Notes:

  • Available as a powder for broadcast spreading or as a “crumble” for application through planter fertilizer boxes (not all blends available as crumble)
  • Product is derived from dried microbes (single-cell proteins)
  • Primarily organic N, very little ammonium-N
  • Blended with bonemeal, SOP, langbeinite, sulfur for different analyses
  • Option to also blend with a microbial product (EarthAlive)

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  • Top-dress or starter fertilizer, particularly in corn, wheat, and spelt crops
  • Can be broadcast and incorporated, fall or spring
  • 200-400lbs/ac as a starter fertilizer
  • Can be broadcast at 1500-2000lbs/ac when economically viable
  • Much higher in nitrogen and other available macro-nutrients than most other organically-approved products.
  • Some organic corn producers report optimal economic yield gain at rates of 300lbs/ac as a banded starter fertilizer.
  • Company plot data has shown 39 bu/ac yield increases in corn; 7-12bu/ac in winter wheat; 5-6 bu/ac in soybeans when used as a starter.



Mined deposits of soft rock phosphate (Florida)

Analysis: 0-3-0-20Ca

  • 20% total P2O5
  • 3% available P2O5
  • 20% Ca

Product Notes:

Spread with lime spreader or similar equipment

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  • A good option to build long-term phosphorus reserves, particularly when manure or compost sources of P are limited or unavailable
  • Not suited for soils already high in calcium
  • Typical soil tests (P1/Olsen) measure available P, but not total P reserves, and what can be made available via biological activity over the growing season; consider P2 analysis, crop monitoring/tissue sampling for a more complete assessment
  • General recommendations based on experience:
    • 500lbs/ac for soils below 12ppm P1 phosphorus
    • 400lbs/ac for soils 12 to 15 ppm P1 phosphorus
    • 300lbs/ac for soils 15 to 18 ppm P1 phosphorus
  • Relatively low percentage of available P makes this product impractical/uneconomical to apply to meet current crop requirements; needs to be part of a long-term soil-building plan
  • CalPhos is also recommended as an addition to manure (in the bedding or during the composting process) to help stabilize nitrogen; it also increases available phosphorus from the CalPhos
  • Research indicates that it can take 4 to 8 weeks for phosphate rock to reach maximum solubility
  • P availability from phosphate rock fertilizers is positively correlated with AMF and green manure incorporation

Fertoz Rock Phosphate


Mined deposits of rock phosphate in British Columbia and Montana

Analysis: 0-7-0

  • 20-25% total P2O5
  • 5-10% available P2O5
  • 30-60% Calcium Carbonate
  • 10-20% Silica

Product Notes

Fertoz is available in three formats

  1. Fertoz Powder
    » 50-150 mesh powder
    » 80lbs/ft3 bulk density
    » Apply with a lime spreader or similar equipment
  2. Fertoz Granular
    » 64 lbs/ft3 bulk density
    » Granulated for ease of application in fertilizer spreaders or planters
    » Blends well with other granular products
  3. Fertoz and Elemental Sulphur Granular
    » 70% Fertoz and 30% elemental sulphur (0-5-0-27S)
    » 64 lbs/ft3 bulk density
    » Increases phosphorus availability in soils with a pH greater than 7.0
    » Economical source of elemental sulphur to correct soil deficiencies

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  • A good option to supply crop phosphorus and build long-term phosphorus reserves, particularly when manure or compost sources of P are limited or unavailable
  • May not be suitable for soils already high in calcium
  • General recommendations based on experience:
    • 250 to 280 lbs/ac based on phosphorus test levels in acidic soils (pH <7.0)
    • 350 to 400 lbs/ac of Fertoz and elemental sulfur, based on phosphorus test levels in alkaline soils (pH >7.0)
  • Typically broadcast and incorporated in spring (ideally 4 to 8 weeks before crop phosphorus demand peaks, less in highly-deficient soils)
  • Allow 3 years to see the full impact of the amendment application
  • Fertoz is higher in available phosphorus than other mineral amendments
  • Phosphorus availability can be improved by blending with manure, compost, humates, biologicals, and elemental sulphur
  • An 8-week study in Western Canada on pH neutral, P-deficient soils showed that phosphorus availability doubled with the application of Fertoz, tripled when Fertoz was blended with sulfur, and increased a further 50% with the addition of compost
  • Phosphorus availability from phosphate rock fertilizers is also positively correlated with AMF and green manure incorporation
  • Fertoz products are all approved for organic use by Pro-Cert

Seacliff Green Organic Fertilizer


Seacliff Energy Corp., Leamington ON

Analysis: 0.1 – 0.05 – 0.1

  • Liquid anaerobic digestate
  • Typically 10lbs N/mt; 5lbs P2O5/mt; 5-8lbs K2O/mt
  • 4-5% dry matter
  • 1kg/L density

Product Notes

  • For bulk application on and into agricultural soils
  • Storage facilities and application equipment for liquid manure is appropriate for this product

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  • Well-suited for crops and soils with high nitrogen demands relative to P and K (e.g. wheat, corn)
  • Not subject to the application timing restrictions imposed on raw manure under organic standards
  • Application rates dependent on crop and soil test recommendations
  • Do not exceed application rates above 44,000L/ha (4,706 gal/ac) if applying within 150m (500ft) of surface water
  • Market territory for this product is currently limited by the transportation costs (from Leamington) for the high volumes of liquid involved; Seacliff is investigating technology to create a concentrated liquid that could significantly expand this potential 
  • Customers are responsible for storage and application of the product; Seacliff has partners and contacts in certain areas willing to store and apply on a custom basis
  • Seacliff Green Organic Liquid Fertilizer is approved for organic use by CSI and EcoCert

Cycle Organic Fertilizer


StormFisher Environmental, London, ON


  • Typical actual analysis: 4-6-1-1S
  • CFIA guaranteed minimum analysis: 3-3-1
  • Over 65% organic matter content
  • Recent batch analyses available on request
  • Pathogen-free

Product Notes

  • Cycle Organic Fertilizer is dried anaerobic digestate
  • 47 lbs/ft3 bulk density
  • ~5% moisture – non-hygroscopic
  • Uniform, crumbled pellet format
  • Flows through dry fertilizer boxes, can be broadcast; blends well with other products

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  • A good balanced fertilizer for broadcast or banded use
  • Economical source of nitrogen and phosphorus
  • A very good source of available phosphorus for high-pH, high-calcium soils
  • Anaerobic digestatesstimulate the growth of beneficial soil fungi
  • Apply according to soil test recommendations and crop needs
  • Not subject to pre-harvest restrictions for manure under Canadian Organic Standards
  • Cycle Organic Fertilizer is produced from food scraps and food processing byproducts which are first used to generate electricity – helping to close the nutrient loop from field to fork
  • StormFisher’s biogas power plant uses over 80,000 mt of food waste each year to produce enough electricity to supply over 3,000 homes; waste heat from the electricity generation is used to dry the digestate into a granular fertilizer
  • Cycle Organic Fertilizer is approved for organic use by the Centre for Systems Integration (CSI)

Dried Egg Shells


Etobicoke, ON

Analysis: 0.1 – 0.05 – 0.1

  • Total Neutralizing Value (CCE): 94.13%
  • Ag Index: 36.79*
  • Calcium: 41.55%
  • 51N – 0.21P – 0.11K

*see product notes and application rates

Product Notes

  • Dried, crushed eggshells (95% passing #10 sieve; 21% passing #20 sieve; 1.58%, #60)
  • Research indicates that eggshells are equally or more effective at raising soil pH as the same rate (calculated by Ag Index) of agricultural lime at application rates up to 2,000lb/ac up to six months after spreading
  • Soil pH change from 18 to 54 months after application was higher for eggshells compared to agricultural lime applied at the same rate, indicating a sustained effect not reflected in the Ag Index calculation

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  • An economical source of calcium
  • Apply according to soil test recommendations and AgIndex calculations
  • Research indicates that current AgIndex values may underestimate the long-term liming ability of egg shells by a factor of 1.5 to 2.5
  • Egg shells are an organic-approved source of calcium as a soil amendment
  • Pricing varies according to location and freight costs
egg shell organic soil ammendment
Delivery of organic egg shell input

Eco-Tea Foliar HDI

Probiotics for the soil.


Thompsons Limited (under license from Overton Environmental Inc.)


Eco-Tea™ is a CFIA-approved bio-stimulant/amendment and is approved as an organic input by Pro-Cert

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Eco-Tea Foliar HDI ARRAKIS BREW Option (“Sprayer-Ready”) – Min 500 gallons

Eco-Tea is a 2-part system:

  1. Liquid HDI Inoculum – earthworm castings and plant-based composts brewed locally into a concentrated liquid with added microbial foods – humic, fulvic, and long-chain amino acids, kelp extract, simple and complex carbohydrates, and enzymes designed to feed the specific bacteria, fungi, and protozoa in the tea.
  2. Foliar Catalyst – added to tank just prior to application, to activate the specific disease suppressive groups of microbes in EcoTea™. (Foliar catalyst also contains natural wetting agents and surfactants.) (Catalyst is customized to different end uses (e.g. foliar vs soil vs seed.)
  • EcoTea™ Foliar concentrate is “brewed” locally in Overton’s ARRAKIS bioreactor and shipped to the producer in 2 parts: Part 1 is a blended inoculum with microbial foods, aerated 24 hours prior to delivery. Part 2 is the catalyst. The producer adds the catalyst immediately, just prior to application, along with dechlorinated water, and tank mixes well.
  • Greenhouse, high value agricultural crops, horticultural and viticultural operations with their own aerating equipment can also purchase the 3-part system and brew their own foliar product for regular applications. (Option B, below) (For a program that aids in disease mngt for high value crops, spray every 7-10 days.)
  • EcoTea™ Foliar is diluted with 3 parts dechlorinated water prior to application (e.g. 250 gal of concentrate + 750 gal dechlorinated water). It can be further diluted if more water needs to go out, specific to farm/crop needs/coverage, but the concentrated rate should always stay the same.
  • EcoTea™ Foliar is an active, aerobic product. It should be continually aerated after delivery and used within 24-48 hours of delivery. Provided it is stored out of direct sunlight and continually aerated, the product is good for up to 5 days. Once no longer aerating and the catalyst is added (tank mix) it must be used within 6-8 hours. Do not add catalyst until ready for application.
  • Spray ONLY in the evening or on an overcast day.


Eco-Tea Foliar HDI “Self Brew” option:

Eco-Tea Foliar HDI ”Self Brew” is a 3-part system: HDI + MF + Aerate + Foliar Catalyst

Eco-Tea Foliar HDI “Self Brew” Instructions: (Aerate in tank for 24 hours)

  1. Place HDI into a 200 gallon (750 L) or larger tank/tote/mixing unit with aeration hookup. Or use delivery tote as mixing unit.
  2. Add EcoTea™ Microbial Foods at a rate of 4 kg for every 50 gallons of EcoTea HDI.
    2.1. Place 4 kg of Microbial Foods into a 5 gallon (20L) pail with dechlorinated water and mix well
    (until product is dissolved), pour ‘slurry’ into the mixing unit or spray tank, ideally while aerator is
    running. (Note: Remove all screens in sprayer and use proper nozzle setting, see specs below.)

    2.2. Allow 24 hours for the tank solution to aerate, maintaining approximately 80-120 L/min of
    aeration, (6 mg O2/L) throughout the process.

  3. Add EcoTea™ Foliar Catalyst at a rate of 4 L for every 50 gallons of aerated EcoTea™. Add Foliar Catalyst to sprayer, mixing vigorously. (Note: Adding Foliar Catalyst will greatly decrease the shelf life of EcoTea, add it when you are ready to apply!)
  4. Add dechlorinated water to EcoTea™ with a minimum dilution of 1:3 (1 part EcoTea HDI mix : 3 parts dechlorinated water). You can dilute much more if need be (coverage etc), as long as the concentrated EcoTea rate, is maintained.
  5. Apply EcoTea tank solution at a rate of 8-18 gal/Acre (diluted product) to achieve 70% or more coverage. Spray ONLY in the evening or on an overcast day.
  • EcoTea™ Foliar is ecologically engineered to reduce and suppress pest and disease pressure, fungal and bacterial pathogen pressure and some insects
  • Certain microbes consume pathogens, others produce small amounts of antibiotics in the presence of pathogens
  • Beneficial microorganisms in EcoTea™ Foliar, colonize the leaf surface, decreasing plant stress and out-competing pathogens for space and resources (competitive exclusion)
  • EcoTea™ Foliar is biologically engineered to provide specific beneficial disease suppressing microbes to the food web/biome.
  • EcoTea™ Foliar is bacteria-focused to colonize leaf surfaces in 20 minutes.
  • Timing is similar to conventional fungicide applications; Evening is most ideal, early morning or very overcast is okay – never spray in full sunlight.
  • EcoTea™ Foliar works best if the beneficial microorganisms are present just before the pathogen has a chance to attack: Spray as a preventative treatment.
  • Cash Crops: apply at 2 gal/ac; a 250 gal tote of concentrate will cover ~125 acres:
    • Wheat: at heading (T3)
    • Corn: 6-7 leaf stage and/or at tasseling
    • Soybean: just before or at flowering
    • Oats: at heading
    • Alfalfa & Hay: after first cut
    • Ginseng: 21 day program, starting early June to Sept
    • Cranberry/Blueberry/Strawberry: 5 apps, mid-May to mid-Sept
    • Sunflowers: At flower, (late July/early Aug), could warrant 2 applications
  • High Value Crops: apply at 6-10 gal/ac; a 250 gal tote will cover 25-50 ac
    • Spray every 7-10 days to aid in disease management program, based on weather and disease
      pressure, from mid-June to early September
    • All new foliage needs to get covered every 7-14 days
  • Apply with coarse nozzles only, *maximum screen size of 300 micron (50 mesh)* 
    • 50 psi or lower
    • TeeJet Nozzle/Floodjet 0.08 (white) or larger
    • Boomless Nozzle 0.10 or larger 
    • Greenhouse; conventional track systems, spray emitters, hanging basket emitters, dosatrons,
      backpack sprayers etc.
    • For berries with foliar applications high pressure (blast sprayers) is not recommended, can also
      have the option of using catalyst as a biostimulant
  • All of these rates are in concentrated tea (pre-dilution)
  • DILUTE Eco-Tea HDI  in 3:1 or more with DE-CHLORINATED water
  • Eco-Tea HDI is double screened to 300 microns (50 mesh) and can be applied via any application method at 50 psi or lower
  • For foliar tea (greens & tees/greenhouse/high value crops) self brewing, make sure to double screen @ 300 microns/50 mesh – Overton retails screening bags
  • We recommend to keep EcoTea agitating and/or aerating in tank during application
  • Use de-chlorinated water ONLY when tank mixing with EcoTea
    • Chlorine water (municipal) needs to be aerated for 1 hour or sit for 24 hours
    • Chloraminated water needs to aerated for a minimum of 48 hours 
  • Make sure to wash out equipment with clean water, take nozzles off and let flow. Citric acid, acetic acid, or ammonium solution are best as a cleaning solutions.
  • DO NOT let sit in sprayer after application, clean immediately.
  • Available in 5 gal, 50 gal, 250 gal Kits (depending on operation size)
  • For a full disease suppression program on high value crops, spray every 7-10 days using self brew kits and a 50-75 gallon bioreactor (or similar).
  • Self Brew Instructions:
  1. Fill 50 gal bioreactor with de-chlorinated water. To dechlorinate water leave sitting out in open tank for 24 hours or aerate for 30 minutes. 
  2. Place Eco-Tea Microbial Foods into bioreactor and allow to dissolve
  3. Place Eco-Tea Inoculum into filter basket and allow 24 hours for brewing. 
  4. After 24 hours, filter off product from bioreactor with another 300 micron screen for sprayer applications
  5. Add Eco-Tea Foliar Catalyst and mix thoroughly. 
  6. Apply Eco-Tea Foliar to 70% of leaf surfaces via, backpack sprayer, conventional sprayer equipment etc., or apply as a drench to root zone if not screened to 300 microns/50 mesh. 

*Once Catalyst is added to mix you have 6-8 hours to use the product. 

*NOTE: We recommend removing inline screens & filters that are finer than 50 mesh/300 microns. Filter end product with secondary 300 micron/50 mesh screening bag if using conventional equipment or drip tape.

  • EcoTea “Foliar” is a relatively coarse product; some equipment modifications are necessary to maintain the integrity of the microbiology during application (nozzle setting, psi, and taking out screens are vital to maintain integrity) 
  • Remove all filters from the sprayer as precaution (300 micron/50 mesh )
  • Clean the sprayer thoroughly before and after use
  • Overton Environmental stocks nozzles and other specialized application accessories and can ship to producers who cannot source parts locally
  • Eco-Tea “Foliar” pricing is dependent on the volume ordered and shipping
  • EcoTea products are approved for organic production by Pro-Cert
  • Foliar EcoTea is biologically engineered to stimulate or ‘wake up’ specific functional groups of disease suppressive microorganisms through the 24 hours aeration process and when the foliar blend of catalyst is added. 
  • The foliar blend of catalyst contains Yucca (spreading action, ‘non-toxic’ soap) as a surfactant, but contains no molasses.
  • In conventional systems EcoTea must have a 5-7 day window between fungicide applications (before and/or after EcoTea use)

Eco-Tea Soil HDI

(in-furrow, soil drench, residue management)

Probiotics for the soil.


Thompsons Limited (under license from Overton Environmental)


EcoTea™ is a CFIA-approved bio-stimulant/amendment & is approved as an organic input by

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Eco-Tea™ is a 3-part mix and go system:

Inoculum – premium worm castings, plant-based compost, fungal compost is “brewed” into a concentrated liquid called “HDI” (High Density Inoculum)

Microbial foods – (in-furrow use LiquidMF) – humic, fulvic, and long-chain amino acids, kelp extract, simple and complex carbohydrates, and enzymes designed to feed the array of beneficial bacteria, fungi, and protozoa.

Catalyst – added to tank just prior to application, to activate the biodiverse populations of plant beneficial microbes in the EcoTea™. (catalyst is customized to different end uses (e.g. foliar vs soil).

  • EcoTea™ Soil “HDI” is “brewed” in Overton’s ARRAKIS bioreactor and shipped to the producer in 3 parts:
    1) HDI (liquid inoculum) 2) microbial foods, and 3) catalyst. These three parts are shipped in 1) a 250 gal tote of HDI, 2) a 20kg bag of microbial foods, and 3) a 20L pail of catalyst. The producer tank mixes the HDI, microbial foods, catalyst & dechlorinated water (1:3) (EcoTea™:dechlorinated water) prior to application to “activate” the microorganisms in the EcoTea™.
  • Add catalyst to tank mix when diluting and ready to apply.
  • EcoTea™ Soil HDI is diluted with 3 parts water prior to application (e.g. 250 gal of concentrate + 750 gal dechlorinated water + 20 kg microbial food + 20 L catalyst)
  • EcoTea™ Soil HDI has a shelf life of 60 days (given it is kept undiluted and before the addition of microbial foods and catalyst) and provided it is stored out of direct sunlight.
  • EcoTea™ HDI is an abundant source of biodiversity for your soil (thousands of microbes)! These beneficial plant growth promoting and ecologically functional microbes, including bacteria, fungi, and protozoa give your root system a competitive advantage.
  • EcoTea™ restores biodiversity to soils, increases nutrient availability, makes for better nutrient use efficiency, stimulates plant growth (especially at the root level), improves soil nutrient retention, increases pest resistance and aids in disease suppression, and increases drought tolerance.
  • Typically 2.5 gal/acre (concentrate); a 250 gal tote will cover 100 acres
  • High Value Crops apply at 4 gal/acre (concentrate); a 250 gal tote = 62.5 acres
  • EcoTea™ Soil HDI is applied in-furrow or as a soil drench at seeding
  • EcoTea™ Liquid Seed Treatment can be applied after forage cuttings to improve re-growth of both
    shoots and roots
  • EcoTea™ Soil HDI -Residue Mngt- can be applied postharvest to aid in the fungal decomposition of
    residues, reducing pest/disease carry-over & improving nutrient retention

    • Apply at 2.5 Gal/acre onto residue and incorporate so that organisms are not exposed to sun
      and can populate the residue and topsoil.
    • A light harrow is best, Reg. till works too
  • Apply with coarse nozzles, max. screen size should be 300 microns (50 mesh)
  • 50 psi or lower
  • Request Liquid Microbial Foods:
    • Liquid Kit Seeding (Discs) 30 or larger
    • Disc Seeder: quarter inch line is best (ex: Alpine Kit – b/w 20-60 orifice)
    • Drip Tape, Compatible
    • GreenHouse Emitters 300 microns or larger
  • For Residue Sprays: (Powdered Micro Foods):
    • TeeJet Nozzle/Floodjet 0.08 (white) or larger
    • Boomless Nozzle 0.10 or larger
  • All of these rates are in concentrated tea.
  • DILUTE EcoTea™ HDI 1:3 or more with DE-CHLORINATED water
  • We recommend to keep EcoTea™ agitating and/or aerating in tank during application
  • If MIX is kept aerating (80-12 L/min) you can extend life of product approx 3 days.
  • Use dechlorinated Water ONLY when tank mixing with EcoTea™
    • Chlorine Water (municipal) needs to be aerated for 1 hour or sit for 24 hours
    • Chloraminated Water needs to aerated for a minimum of 48 hours
  • Make sure to wash out equipment with clean water, take nozzles off and let flow! Citric acid, acetic acid, or ammonium solutions are best as cleaning agents.
  • DO NOT let EcoTea™ sit in liquid kit and/or sprayer after application, clean immediately!
  • The EcoTea™ Program consists of three parts, 1) high density inoculum 2) microbial foods 3) liquid catalyst + dechlorinated water (1:3)
  • EcoTea™ Soil HDI is biologically engineered to activate a more diverse functionality of beneficial microbial groups. For example, siderophore producers, phosphorus solubilizers, acetic acid producers, phytohormone production, iron scavenging etc.
  • This type of a diverse population of microbes stimulates tertiary and quaternary root systems and gives seeds a head start in growth and vigor.
  • EcoTea™ Soil HDI is screened to 50 mesh/300 microns; foods and catalyst are water-soluble.
  • Overton Environmental stocks compatible nozzles and other specialized application accessories and can ship to producers who cannot source parts locally
  • EcoTea™ HDI pricing is dependent on the volume ordered and shipping costs
  • EcoTea™ products are an approved input for organic production by Pro-Cert
  • EcoTea™ Soil HDI adds “Tilth” to soil overtime, reducing crusting and creating stable soil aggregates.
  • ‘Bombarding’ a soil system with as many biodiverse beneficial microbes as possible is the biologically
    engineered success of EcoTea™.

Eco-Tea “Liquid Seed Treatment”

Probiotics for the soil.


Thompsons Limited (under license from Overton Environmental)


N/A – Eco-Tea™ is a CFIA-registered bio-stimulant/amendment

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Eco-Tea™ is a 3-part system:

Inoculum – earthworm castings and plant-based compost “brewed” on-site into a super-concentrated liquid (much more concentrated than soil or foliar products)

Microbial foods – humic, fulvic, and long-chain amino acids, kelp extract, simple and complex carbohydrates, and enzymes designed to feed the array of beneficial bacteria, fungi, and protozoa (this food is customized to different end uses–e.g. foliar vs soil vs seed).

Catalyst – used just before application to activate the biodiverse populations of plant beneficial microbes in the tea.

  • Eco-Tea Liquid Seed Treatment is shipped to the producer in 3 parts: 1) concentrated liquid inoculum 2) microbial food, and 3) catalyst. The producer tank mixes the microbial foods and catalyst prior to application to “activate” the microorganisms.

  • Eco-Tea concentrated inoculum has a shelf life of 60 days (before the addition of the microbial foods and catalyst) given it is stored out of direct sunlight.

  • Eco-Tea Liquid Seed Treatment must be used within 3 days of mixing.

  • Treated seed must be planted within 3 days of treatment (the sooner the better).

  • Eco-Tea Liquid Seed Treatment inoculates seeds with abundant populations of diverse plant growth promoting and ecologically functional microbes, including bacteria, fungi, and protozoa.

  • These microbes improve root development, nutrient use efficiency, and disease tolerance.

  • Cereals: 500ml treats 70-115 lbs of seed (i.e. 250ml/unit)

  • Beans: 500ml treats 50-70 lbs of seed (i.e. 500ml/unit)

  • Forage & Small-Seeded Crops (alfalfa, canola, etc.): use EcoTea HDI in-furrow

  • Mix the 3 components and apply to seed within 3 days.

  • Plant treated seed as soon as possible, no later than 3 days after treatment

  • Beans do require some time after inoculation to dry or else seed may bridge or become challenging to work with. Treating the seed one step before making the final transfer to the seeder will help eliminate bridging potential. Use “HDI” in-furrow treatment for best results with beans.

  • Compared to EcoTea “HDI” soil treatment, the liquid seed treatment is more economical but will have less of a beneficial impact on overall soil health: this product inoculates the seed rather than the soil
  • ‘Bombarding’ the developing root system with as many biodiverse beneficial microbes as possible is the biologically engineered success of Eco-Tea.
  • Experience has shown a positive impact on root development even in seeds that are also treated with conventional fungicides and insecticides
  • EcoTea products are approved for organic production by Pro-Cert

Eco-Tea “Liquid Seed Treatment”

EcoTea™ Liquid Seed Treatment: conventional treated corn seed, spring 2017, Manitoba. (Left) no EcoTea. (Right) EcoTea liquid seed treatment.

EcoTea liquid seed treatment

Conventional treated corn seed, spring 2017, Manitoba.
(Left) no EcoTea. (Right) EcoTea liquid seed treatment.

Eco-Tea “Dry Seed Treatment”

Probiotics for the soil.

Improve soil and crop health. Promote plant root growth.


Soybeans, Peas and Lentils, Cereals, Specialty Crops, Forage and Cover Crops

What is it?

EcoTea™ Dry Seed Treatment is a biological inoculant that will coat the seed with ecologically functional microbes, which will help break seedling dormancy, improve root development, increase nutrient use efficiency and increase resistance to diseases. This product is sustainable and contains no human pathogens

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Simply combine and mix these two ingredients:

Milled Inoculum (Part A) + Microbial Foods with Sticking Agents (part B)

Eco Tea Dry Seed Treatment inoculates seeds with abundant populations of diverse ecologically functional microbes, including bacteria, fungi, and protozoa

Eco Tea is an ecologically engineered product with blends of humic, fulvic, long-chain amino acids-Atlantic kelp extract and simple/complex carbohydrates.

EcoTea contains a great deal of ecologically functional microbes. This biological community will improve soil structure, root function/biomass and mobility of N-P-K and micronutrients in the soil

  1. Each EcoTea Dry Seed Treatment application comes with EcoTea Concentrated Powdered/Milled lnoculum, (Part A) and EcoTea Microbial Foods with Sticking Agents, (Part B).
  2. Mix Part A and Part B together in a bag, shake or mix well and apply to seed at a rate of: (see chart)
    1. Cereals – 20 L of Dry Seed Treatment covers 50 acres of seed (refer to below chart). Mix directly with seed for best results.
    2. Beans – 20 L of Dry Seed Treatment covers 50 acres of seed. Mix directly with seed for best results.
    3. Forage and Small Seeded Crops (alfalfa, hemp, quinoa, canola) – 20 L of Dry Seed Treatment covers 150 acres of seed. Mix directly with seed in seeder box for best results.
  • Available in 20 L bags. 20 L / 8 kg (18 lbs)
  • Please refer to next tab for application chart and recommended application rates.
  • You can also mix A & B in a mixer with seed. Or mix A & B, then apply with seed into seeder box for air seeder application.
  • Store unopened product in a cool dark environment. Do not let product freeze.


Approved input for organic production by Pro-Cert.

Eco-Tea “Dry Seed Treatment”

Download the PDF

EcoTea Dry Seed Treatment flyer image

Seed guide for organic producers

New for Spring 2020:

  • 25 organic corn hybrids – including organic silage hybrids
  • 8 organic and 19 untreated conventional (non-GMO) soybeans
  • Organic small grains, forages, and legumes – including named and common varieties
  • Early order, pre-pay, and volume discounts apply to most varieties – contact your local branch to find out how much you can save by acting now!

Organic grain production contracts

Now available:

  • Organic soybeans
  • Organic corn
  • Organic wheat (all classes)
  • Organic rye (limited volume remaining)

Coming soon:

  • Organic edible beans

Make the most of your seed investment with one of our organic-approved seed treatment products, including EcoTea™ dry and liquid seed treatment.

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