tripping hazard

Safety: Unsafe conditions

Recognize unsafe conditions and take action to eliminate and mitigate them.

It is possible to eliminate the majority of unsafe conditions in our workplaces and on our farms in order to prevent injuries on the job. It is necessary to recognize these kinds of conditions exist around you, and take action to eliminate or mitigate them. There is an endless list of possible unsafe conditions in any workplace. Two types of unsafe conditions that can be found in almost any workplace are slip, trip, and fall hazards and pinch point hazards.

  • Slips, trips, and falls are responsible for many injuries on the job year after year. Many of these incidents are a direct result of an unsafe condition.
  • Objects on the ground are a common example.
  • Other unsafe conditions that lead to slips, trips, and falls injuries include slippery floors, unmarked changes in elevations in walking surfaces, cluttered work areas, unprotected edges, etc.

Pinch points are also commonly found in workplaces.

  • Pinch points are defined as any point where it is possible for a body part to be caught between moving and stationary portions of equipment.
  • Pinch points can come in a variety of shapes and sizes.
  • A couple examples of unsafe conditions relating to pinch points are points of operation on machinery, unguarded moving equipment, and rotating parts.

Addressing unsafe conditions

Depending what the unsafe condition is will determine what action is needed to correct it. A basic overview of addressing any hazard in the workplace:

  • Stop and take the time to evaluate your work area and work task.
  • Recognize unsafe conditions or what can possibly turn into an unsafe condition.
  • Take action to immediately correct the condition if possible.
  • Stop work and involve the other personnel if the unsafe condition is out of your control to correct.
  • Continue to evaluate your work area throughout the work day for possible new hazards and unsafe conditions.

We all can take ownership and responsibility for our work areas and the work that we do to prevent and eliminate many unsafe conditions.

Every unsafe condition that is corrected is one less chance of someone being injured on the job. 

Work safe. Farm safe. Home safe.™
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