Entries by Ryan Mortier

Safety: Be aware of your surroundings

If something serious were to happen to you, your family could be left without their loved one. With today’s technologically complex equipment and numerous distractions, several things can pull your focus away from the tasks at hand. When this happens, injuries such as slips and falls, being injured or killed from moving trucks, equipment or […]

Safety: pressure washer safety

Consider all of the risks of pressure washing and what steps you need to take to protect yourself and the others around you. While the main hazard considered is the pressure of the water, there are many more secondary hazards that could lead to the actual injury. There are many different types of injuries that […]

Local rice? Experimental farm showcases crop in Chatham-Kent

Experimental crop is about a hectare in size, located off Queen’s Line on Drake Road Source: Jonathan Pinto · CBC News · Posted: Jun 28, 2019 10:20 PM ET | Last Updated: June 28 Rice is grown in Asia, Africa, the southern United States — and if Ontario FangZheng Agriculture Enterprise has its way — […]